But we can not say that now, can we? There have been allegations that Vodafone Uganda has unpaid License fees arrears to Uganda Communication Commission in billion of Shillings as well as rental arrears to Eaton Towers, a telecom mast management computer. As a result, customers have been experiencing severe network outages especially outside Kampala CBD.

About Network issues

In an official statement on its Facebook Page, the telecom has apologized to its customers for deterioration in quality of service for the last several weeks but has assured customers of restoration of service without giving specific timelines.


About the closure rumours

In a phone interview with Grapevine, Progress Chisenga, the Marketing manager refuted any claims of impending closure owing to the fact that Vodafone shops are open and business is going on as usual;  

Vodafone Uganda clarifies on its network issues amid rumours of closure - 27Vodafone Uganda clarifies on its network issues amid rumours of closure - 74